Vote for FREE BEER

Sally’s wants to RAISE YOUR TAXES
FACT: Sally’s has FREE BEER, how do you tax FREE BEER
Sally’s does not support the TROOPS
FACT: the Free Beer is extra Free for all our troops.
Sally’s supports Big Oil
FACT: Sally’s is even conserving the Free Beer glasses they use (inside joke for those who have been there this year)
Sally’s supports Terrorists
FACT: It is those bastards over at Stub n Herbs that love Bin Laden
Come one, Come all and cast your vote for Sally’s and FREE BEER.
I apologize for last week, I was traveling for work and lost track of the time and before I knew it, I was getting txt messages from people at free beer. Whoops. This week is a Vikes game, so their actually is a crowd, so getting our normal spot could be more difficult. Trying for a 6:30 arrival.
God Speed to Free Beer
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